Edison the Siberian husky
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About Siberians

Siberian Husky has proved to be a wonderful family companion. They are very loving and make wonderful pets for children. Very adaptable and trainable. Siberian Huskies are great with children and pets, especially if raised around them. Siberian Huskies are one of the finest companion dogs of all.

In general husky are intelligent, alert, eager to please and independent.
Huskies tend to get along with everybody an aggressive dog is not a team dog, and therefore makes a lousy sled dog.

Tips on Siberians

Number one thing to remember about huskies is NEVER let them off their leash unless he is in a confined area. Huskies are born runners and will take off before you know it.

With Siberians the young dog will respond to you differently depending on whether it is a male or female. The male dog will be more intent on being the boss, not to say the female won't. This may depend on several factors. The male is always the leader of a pack. He is supreme.

The female will be in second place. She will dominate other males within the pack. Think of it like this: a king and aqueen - everyone else is just a subject to them. This is not to say that a female will be easier to train than a male, but there is a good chance that she will submit to you sooner. She will be more likely to let you dominate her just as she will submit to any male who works his way to the top. That's why a male will put up with a lot more from a
female than he will from another male. The female will tolerate just about any male, but another female, and you could trouble.

You need to make sure you are the Alpha of the pack from day one! If your Siberian starts to think of himself as KING you could be in for some real trouble. Some things you could do to get your Siberian Husky to see you as the Alpha.

A. Go through doors and passageways before your dog. The alpha has the right first.

B. Eat first--then feed your dog.

C. If your dog is blocking your path, make him move out of your way--do not go around or step over him. Sub-ordinate animals move for the alpha.

D. Call your dog to you for petting and attention. Don't go to him. Use Call Name only when good.

E. When coming home,if your dog does not come to greet you, ignore him. If you go running to your dog then, you are treating him as the ALPHA.

F. Practice "doggy" discipline, that is when your dog engages in undesirable behavior, discipline him in a way that he understands. Give him a scruff shake and a grunt or growl. You must catch him in the act for discipline to be effective, however, or he won't understand for what he is being corrected. With huskies it is best to make direct EYE contact.And Talk to your Husky.

G.It helps to keep huskies on a Harness plus collar for Tags and identification. Animals attack at the throat and juggler vein. So to tug or try to train a husky by yanking on his neck,sends an ALARM signal of DANGER to him. Using a standard harness that hooks to his back feels more comfortable to him and can make it much easier to control and teach the dog.

Husky Facts

Huskies are pretty quiet dogs on the most part. They talk more then they bark, in a soft "woo woo woo" They can also howl at times.

A definite plus when it comes to huskies is they produce no natural oils in their fur, so they do not have an odor and they require little to no bathing and little brushing. But it helps to groom them when they 'blow their coat' it keeps down on the amount of fur you'll find laying about.

If you're looking for a watch dog don't get a husky. They would more likely lick an intruder to death then do any actual harm to him.